Our Services

  • Stage 0-1 Pre-design

    This is a key part of the process – it’s the unglamorous preparation stage, where we spend time understanding your needs, and getting to know you and your aspirations. We help hone your brief and gather initial information about the site, so that we have a clear picture of the constraints and intentions for the project.

    Close-up of people working on architectural model at a table.
  • Stage 2 Concept design

    This is the exciting stage, where you really get to see your home emerge. We explore concepts through sketches and computer models, and work with you to bring your vision into something resembling reality. If required, we may also prepare a pre-planning submission to gauge the local authority’s receptiveness.

    Modern house with wooden and stone exterior, large windows, and a driveway with a parked white SUV. A cyclist rides by on a nearby path, surrounded by greenery and trees.
  • Stage 3 Developed design

    At this point the design becomes more finalised. We produce plans, sections, elevations, material palettes, and even interior concepts, physical models, and computer generated renders at this stage. This is also the point at which we would submit a Planning application.

    Various concrete and plaster tiles in different textures and sizes on a workbench.
  • Stage 4 Technical design

    This is the most detailed and time-intensive stage of your project’s life so far. We produce meticulous technical packages, so that the project can be accurately tendered, costed and ultimately built. We work closely with the rest of the design team and you, to ensure that every detail of your home is considered and co-ordinated.

    Brick wall with vertical wooden slats and diagonal metal trim.
  • Stage 5 Construction

    The messy bit! Construction is as expected – it’s when your project begins to come to life in front of you, rather than simply existing on the page. We continue our job as the lead consultant and may also take on the role of Contract Administrator, overseeing the construction contract and monitoring site progress.

    Interior of a building under renovation with two men, construction materials, tools, and an open view to the outside.
  • Stage 6-7 Post-completion

    Once your house is complete, we stay on board for a year to deal with any little issues that arise, that may require rectification by the contractor. We also want to understand how you use the building and hear about your experience living there, so that we can learn lessons from the successes or challenges of the project.

    Modern house with large glass windows, brick exterior, and landscaped garden at dusk.